12th Grade

The 12th Grade Team

Ms. Bello-Andrews - AP/12th Grade Advisor - JAndrews6@schools.nyc.gov 

Ms. Bujan - Finance  - FBujan@schools.nyc.gov 

Mr. Cohen - English - RCohen35@schools.nyc.gov 

Ms. Correa - English - SCorrea4@schools.nyc.gov   

Ms. Douglas - Government/Econ - SDougla3@schools.nyc.gov 

Ms. Furby-Reed - Social Worker - LReed13@schools.nyc.gov

Ms. Greene - Dean/Algebra 2 - LGreene62@schools.nyc.gov

Mr. Howell - Post Secondary Counselor -  PHowell2@schools.nyc.gov 

Mr. Hunter - Health & Physical Education - HHunter7@schools.nyc.gov

Ms. Herbes - Studio Art/Portfolio - CHerbes2@schools.nyc.gov 

Ms. Pope - English - CPope4@schools.nyc.gov

Ms. Starks - Paraprofessional - SStarks@schools.nyc.gov 

Mr. Thomason - Paraprofessional - JThomason@schools.nyc.gov

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