Schoolwide Goals
High-Quality Academic Experience & Literary Emphasis
We will achieve a 95% graduation rate, 90% class pass rate, 75% Regent exam pass rate, and 20% AP Exam pass rate through Regent/AP Exam competency-based, culturally and socially responsive, inquiry-based, and literacy-emphasizing curriculum and instruction in all of our classrooms.
Safe, Responsive, & College/Career Preparatory Environment
100% of our 9th-12th Graders will complete our 3-day/week advisory class, our year-long student digital portfolio and presentation, our collaborative community-inquiry unit, our 2-day/week college/career preparatory class (11th Graders), and our quarterly college/career workshops (9th/10th Graders).
Collaborative & Collegial Staff Mechanisms
100% of our pedagogical staff will complete our year-long cycle of our pod-based professional development; and participate in our grade and department team professional learning communities.
Support & Accountability-Driven School Leadership
80% of our pedagogues will receive at least 4 or more classroom observation/feedback cycles from our administration. 100% will receive 2 or more cycles. And, our administration will provide ongoing support and accountability for our departments, grade teams, professional offices, PD pods, new staff and special initiatives.
Engaging Arts Curriculum & Extracurricular Options
100% of our 9th-11th Graders will complete our year-long visual arts courses,including 5 or more project-driven units. Thirty (30) 12th Graders will complete a year-long, college/career–preparatory art portfolio course as their 4th year of visual art.
Strong Family & Community Ties
We will achieve 85% overall student attendance with a clear emphasis around on-time arrival rate. We will also convene a BCAM PTA membership of at least 15 members, and every PTA meeting will include a relevant family workshop. We will have at least 50% of our families present for events, exhibits, performances, and/or year-end digital portfolio presentations.